February6, 2008
It’s been a little over two weeks since we celebrated our one year anniversary at the Art Gallery of Calgary, and we would like to finally thank everyone who came out.
It was a wonderful evening and a pleasure to share such an achievement with all of you.
We hope you all enjoyed the festivities. The wine, the steamwhistle beer, the Jonessoda and food were fabulous.
We thank all of our friends, family and clients for their support over the year and we look forward to an exciting 2008.
January22, 2008
That’s right! Armadillo Studios is officially one year old!
And on Wednesday, we are celebrating this achievement with a little appreciation night at the “Art Gallery of Calgary”:http://www.artgallerycalgary.org/.
We’ve got our friends at “Steam Whistle”:http://www.steamwhistle.ca/ to supply the beverages. “Darryl Bennett and Chef for Hire”:http://www.chefforhire.ca/ will be providing some divine appetizers. Heck, we’ve even gone out and picked up a few cases of lovely “Jones Soda”:http://www.jonessoda.com/ for all of our friends who are just children at heart.
Plus we’ve even cooked up a small little surprise that you’ve probably never seen before.
All of this just to thank you – the clients and people who have supported “Armadillo Studios”:https://www.armadillostudios.ca over the past year.
_If for some reason you haven’t received an invite and would love to come. (BTW that’s probably our fault as we probably didn’t update our email addresses) Just send us an email at info@armadillostudios.ca and we’ll add you to the guest list._
November28, 2007
Armadillo Studios and the University of Calgary’s SESAH (Spatial Analysis of Environment, Society and Healthcare Lab) are “proud to launch their newest web site.”:http://webapps2.ucalgary.ca/~sesah/
“The SESAH Lab”:http://webapps2.ucalgary.ca/~sesah/ (formerly the SPARCS Lab) contacted Armadillo to help develop a brand new site; which would be easy to update and would allow the graduate students the ability to collaborate on collected data information.
Collaborating with the SESAH Lab, we constructed a new site which integrated a new Content Management System for easy updating. In addition, we developed a separate student login area. This area allows students and professors the ability to collaborate and comment on collected data sets. They can store files and discuss the changes to the data.
Additionally, this new site gives the SESAH Lab a unique and sophisticated presence on the University of Calgary’s web site. A web site which showcases the progressive nature of the lab and its work within the world of Spatial Analysis.
November1, 2007
And with one simple click of a button, Armadillo Studios Inc. is very pleased to launch our very own Corporate Web Log.
As we get closer to the one-year anniversary of our company, we here at Armadillo thought it was about time to launch something new for the company.
Our goals is to create a running web log where we could start sharing some of our expertise in the areas of web design and business blogging, while showcasing some of our recent projects. It’s also a place where we hope to discuss the social and cultural implications of these trends, not only on our own personal lives, but on the little area we call home. (Southern Alberta)
So please have a look around. Check out some of our images on Flickr or maybe even leave a comment or two. Just make sure you grab the RSS feed and comeback often as we begin to add to our list of articles. We’re already busy preparing a couple of articles on Vector Illustrations, ViRB, Twitter, and on a couple of our latest projects.
Thanks for your time.
The Armadillo Team.