Armadillo Studios Inc.

Nine-Banded: App Edition

Earlier this month, “we officially launched our very first iPhone App”: Of course this was cause for much jubilation and celebration around the Team Armadillo offices. After almost three years on the sidelines of the app industry and “promoting the local app development community within Calgary”:, it was great to finally dip our toe into the playing field.

Nine-Banded - Novemeber 14th, 2012

So in honour of first foray into the world of iOS App development, we are dedicating this week’s edition of *Nine Banded* to our some recent apps that have really caught our eye and one app that we’re incredibly excited to see launched. (Read More…)

The yycApps Projects Gets Some Exposure

It’s been quite the week here at Armadillo Studios, as our beloved pet project – “”: received an incredible amount of local exposure over the past 7 days.


It all started about a week ago with a six minute interview on CBC Calgary’s the Homestrech with David Grey. We had a great conversation on the blossoming community in Calgary and I was able to feature some great local apps. (“click here to hear the full interview”:

Next, yycapps had a feature segment on last night’s edition of GlobalTV’s 6:00pm news. In which, we briefly talked with Tony Tighe about the project and also showcased our friends from TapForms and also Broken Kings. (See the segment below and fast forward to the 23:55 mark)

It’s been an exciting week for the yycapps project and we look forward to seeing how the project continues to grow.

The yycApps Makeover

Who doesn’t love a web site makeover? Really, who doesn’t.

So with that, we’re happy to announce the much needed makeover of our beloved pet project – “yycApps”:

The ** project started a little over 6 months ago, and since that cold winter evening has grown into a powerful resource for Calgary iPhone/iPad app developers. In conjunction, with the “moreapps”: project, draws in about 2,000 viewers a month and is slowly becoming a reliable source for people curious about the growing iPhone development community in Calgary.

As you can see from the old design, pictured above, the site needed a dramatic redesign. The grungy texture and dark colour palette was a great design at the time, but it didn’t encourage a sense of community or professionalism. So with this new design we hope to help grow the community and the site even more.

So please, have a look at the new yycapps. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions to make the site that much better.

The yyc iPhone Developer Camp

This past weekend the Armadillo Team descended on the University of Calgary for the first “yyc iPhone Developer Camp”: Put on by Michael Sikorsky and his company “Robots & Pencils”:, the iPhone Dev Camp was a 2 day _crash_ summit for the local Calgary iPhone development community. With everyone sharing ideas, information and talent.

Based on the unconference “Bar Camp”: format that was made popular in San Fransisco, the camp was a loose introduction to the growing iPhone Development community in Calgary. During the weekend established companies from within the city revealed some of their tips and tricks in developing their apps through a series of morning segments. From presentations on viral marketing, “Cocos2D development”:, and even some intresting rough app demos; the community really came together to showcase and connect with one another. While the afternoons were dedicated to a less formal format, where attendees broke into two groups. The first group organized a series of round tables to discuss various elements of the iPhone development process, while the second group focused on the development of a quick and dirty app for a local organization. (Which or may not be used in the near future)

I could go on and on and on about what was learned this weekend, but essentially it was an incredibly informative weekend.

More importantly, it was one which introduced us to the great development community in this city. A big thank you goes out to Michael and all the companies that shared their expertise and stories throughout the weekend. If you have a moment, please check out some of the companies that were featured this weekend (and even give them a bit of support, buy downloading their apps).

“Tap Forms Inc.”:
“Broken Kings Inc.”:
“We’re Not Rocket Scientists (WRNS)”:
“Pho3nix Media Inc.”:
“Happy App Co.”:
“iKingdom Corp.”:

… And if you’re wondering why a web design studio would be at a iPhone Development Camp, just stay tuned …