Dreamhost goes Gmail
April 30, 2008
So first it was the upgrade of the “WordPress”:http://blog.armadillostudios.ca/article/wordpress-25 interfacen and now Dreamhost has moved from the archaic SquirrelMail to the new Gmail Email service. I must say April has been a great month for our clients.
For most of our new clients looking for a web hosting service, Armadillo Studios strongly recommended “Dreamhost.com”:http://www.dreamhost.com for all your hosting needs. They provide excellent and prompt support, a very simple user interface and more storage space than you could shake a stick at …
Unfortunately, for quite sometime Dreamhost has been utilizing the archaic squirrel mail system for mail accounts. This has been the overwhelming single complaint we’ve received form clients about their great service.
But now, Dreamhost has upgraded their mail services to function through the Gmail interface. Gone is the frustrating navigation and layout of squirrel mail. Instead users are treated to all the benefits of Gmail’s wonderful mail service, but through their own mail domain.
Users can now utilize everything that “Gmail has to offer”:http://mail.google.com/mail/help/intl/en/about.html. Customizable contact lists, searchable folders, a simple calendar, and Gchat all through their own domain server.
If you would like us to upgrade your email service for you or would like more information, feel free to contact us at “info@armadillostudios.ca”:mailto:info@armadillostudios.ca.