One of the most interesting panels from Day Two of SXSW came courtesy of a very unique and oddly compelling web site.

So rather than detail the web site, we thought it would be funnier to play a little guess game. So let’s see if you can guess the web site based on these points.

This site has *9 full time and part-time employees*.
*1.5 Million unique visitors* a day
*2 Terra Bites* of Traffic
*4 Full Time Developers*
Hosted and powered by *WordPress*

Can you guess the web site?

Oddly enough the web site is “”:

icanhasacheezburger specializes in ridiculous and humorous photos of cats. Oddly enough it has created such a strong following that it has one of the vocal and loyal fan bases on the internet. Based solely on one ridiculous photo, the web site is now a full-fledged business.

The lesson to learn from these young entrepreneur is that any idea, no matter who ridiculous can be profitable. If it fills a much needed niche it can be a profitable entity.