Team Armadillo Launches
January 3, 2012
Earlier in December, Team Armadillo was approached to develop a web site for potential _Progress Conservative Calgary-Currie Nominee_, Brian Holtby. His campaign team needed a quick and clean web site built within a short time for the beginning of the PC nomination season. Using some of the already existing branding, Team Armadillo was able to put together a couple of intense days of work to craft a “full-fledged web site for Brian and his campaign team.”:
Leveraging our vast experience with the WordPress Content Management system, we crafted a minimalistic, yet professional web site for Holtby’s team. While simple in nature, the site was developed with two key elements in mind. The first of course, is that we wanted to create a modern layout, but one that provided the quickest path for potential supporters and voters to find out information about the candidate. The second was to create a simple structure for the site, which would in turn allow the campaign team to quickly maintain and update through out the nomination season.
We decided to utilize a series of clean and crisp web fonts for the back bone of the site design. We also leveraged the already existing branding scheme to highlight important elements of the site, such as the site navigation, social media links and policy highlights. By keeping the site and design simple, we were also able to make the site easy for the campaign team to maintain and update. The team can utilize the exceptional WordPress’ user interface to update page content through any browser and also craft new releases for upcoming events through out the campaign.
The development of web site, was an exciting project for us. Not only are we extremely proud of the look and functionality of the site, but we are excited to make our first official step into the political campaign web world… and we’re confident it won’t be our last.