October 30, 2008
Working together with Caitlin Currie (a very close friend to the company), Armadillo Studios Inc. proudly launches “ – A new lifestyle site about living with Celiac Disease”:
Utilizing the WordPress Content Management System, we handcrafted a template for With this site, Caitlin wanted to create a little enclave on the web to provide important information about Celiac Disease and the struggles of living a Gluten-free lifestyle to the 20-30 year age bracket. The catch was she wanted to bring the information with a lighthearted and positive outlook and provide more exposure to the disease in the Calgary region.
Utilizing Veer’s wonderful “Candy Script”: and an assortment of vibrant colors we crafted an engaging and enjoyable layout. We designed this site to catch the eye while balancing the fine line between bright and intrusive.
In addition, to the engaging layout, we also included some helpful plug-ins to increase WordPress’ usability and to also increase the interaction with the site. We included an advanced Rich Text-Editor to allow for better control of the layout for the posts. We also incorporated social networking links, which allow readers to share their favorite Glutastic articles to their favorite social networking site.
So we encourage you to check in with “”: and learn a little about the struggles and joys of life with a gluten allergy.
Categories: Armadillo Studios News,Calgary Client Releases,Calgary Web Design,Client Releases,WordPress
October 15, 2008
One of the first projects Armadillo Studios launched was for the Corporate Entertainment site “Empower Entertainment”: Almost two years later we are proud to launch our second project for Emil Nath.
With that we proud to release “”: – The new home for Corporate Entertainer and illusionist Emil Nath.
This new corporate web site incorporates the floral design elements from the original Empower Entertainment web site, with personal headshot of Emil and Veer’s wonderful “DF Egret”: font to create a enticing atmosphere.
Our goal with this design was to provide a minimalist web site, which would focus on Emil as a performer while also providing potential clients a glimpse into his unique performance. We feel the subtleties of the fonts and layouts combine to really showcase his professionalism and his unique performance.
Shopping For a Web Site? Part 3
October 1, 2008
Welcome to the final installment of our “Shopping for a Web Site? Series”:
This week, we’re finally getting down to the quantitative issues of Web Site building. We’re going to be talking about potential time lines for building Web Sites and also ‘other’ costs associated with building a Web Site.
So let’s get started.
5. How Long Does it take to Build a Web Site? I Need Mine Up Tomorrow!
Again, we’re going to be very vague with our answer, but on average it’s going to take a few weeks or a couple of months to go live with a web site.
We understand your outrage at the moment, but hear us out.
The reason the process takes so long is two fold.
First, _web design_ is a complex art. Building a web site is never as simple as _I need five pages and I want it to be green_. The smallest error or set of changes can take hours of troubleshooting to resolve. The layout design process alone takes hours. There are dozens of aspects that need to be considered with every design decision. Far more than you’ll probably expect. Things like font size, the color of links, and compatibility with older browsers.
Secondly, a good designer will include their client’s opinions and suggestions into the design process. This whole process of feedback, drafts, alterations and meetings unfortunately takes time. Not that it is anyone’s fault; setting up meetings, writing content, making revisions are all time consuming activities.
We suggest that when you start the process of looking to build a web site keep these two items in mind. It will greatly help with the process and also allow for a good working relationship with your web designer.
Just understand that the entire process takes time and that being prepared before hand will speed things up.
*Armadillo Tip*: _Some companies will have a RFP (Request For Proposal) that will provide you with an idea of the information and questions that your web designer will need to get started. It’s a good idea to use this tool before your first meeting._
_If you want to get an idea of what a designer may ask you feel free to “download and use our RFP”: It will provide a basic understanding of the types of questions a web designer/studio is going to ask you._
6. What Other Costs Should I Plan For?
There are four major costs associated with a building a web site.
1) Web Domain Registration. _$10-15 per year per address_
2) Web Hosting _$100-$250 a year for basic packages_
3) Web Site Development and Design _See our first tip in “part 1”: for more info_
4) Stock images, extra fonts and potentially copywriting services.
Now, some studios and some designers include registration and hosting in their initial set-up fees. While smaller ones, like Armadillo Studios, do not.
The reason for this is that Web Hosting is a completely different animal that straight Web Design. So, many smaller companies will stay away from this venture. Web Hosting involves far more technical, security and database support than most companies are willing to take on.
In our experience we highly recommend two companies for all your hosting and domain registration needs:
1) “”: for Canadian and General Domain registration.
2) “”: for all Web Site hosting. (Plus Dreamhost includes “free customized Gmail support”:)
You might also need to be aware of the potential cost of *Stock Photography*, *Custom Fonts* or even the services of a *Copywriter*.
Now, we understand that these are costs which most people won’t even think about, but they are critical to the entire process. If you want to make your web site standout above your competition, you will need to use all the tools at your disposable. That includes the best fonts and the best images.
A perfect font or a perfect photo that encompasses the vibrancy of your business will push your web site into a different stratosphere. Unfortunately, most designers will only have a limited collection of fonts and photos at their disposal. So they might have to add an additional cost for purchasing a font for your web site. In addition, that perfect photo might have to come from a stock photography company (i.e. or while these costs are some what unexpected, using these images will cost far less than hiring a professional photographer to capture that exact same image.
The final cost that might appear during the process is the services of a Copywriter.
Copywriters are professional writers that provide custom content for your site. While we all would love to believe we can eloquently write our own content, sometimes your content is better left for the professionals. In those instances a Copywriter is the best solution.
*Armadillo Tip*: _Copywriters are a good investment._
_Hiring a Copywriter will save you valuable man hours and it will give you that extra bit of professionalism. In our experience, for every page of text a client needs, they will probably spend 5-6 hours writing and editing. On the other hand a Copywriter will be able to churn out the same (if not better) content in a quarter of the time. While the cost might be a little more than you expect, the stress and time savings are far greater._
… And with that we conclude our three part *Shopping For a Web Site Series*. We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips. If you have further questions feel free to contact us. We would love to hear some feedback and even ideas for future articles.
Contact us at if you have any questions.
The Armadillo Team.
Armadillo + SXSW ’09 + National New Media Day
September 23, 2008
Armadillo Studios is proud to announce that we will be participating in two very important Industry events in the 08-09 calendar.
First and foremost, Armadillo Studios is heading back to Austin for “SXSW Interactive 2009”: This will be our second straight SXSW and third overall. We’re looking forward to seeing some old friends and getting involved in the international Interactive Community.
Secondly, we will be attending the Calgary Events for “National Media Digital Day”: this Thursday. This includes a meet and greet hosted by “Digital Alberta”: and also the “10th Edition of DemoCamp”: It should be a great evening and hopefully it brings some much need exposure to our growing local industry.
So if you happen to be in Austin in March of next year or better yet happen to be at Melrose this Thursday, pop by and say hello. We’ll be glad to see have a chat.
Shopping For a Web Site? Part 2
September 14, 2008
Welcome to the third and fourth tips in our “Shopping for a Web Site? Series”: The final installment will come next week sometime, but in the meantime enjoy.
This week, we’re talking about Flash vs. HTML web sites and also which Web 2.0 terms are important for your business.
3. Why is a Flash based web site cheaper than a HTML/CSS/CMS site? What’s the difference?
We’re extremely biased when it comes to this question, but we advise our clients to stay away from _Flash Based web sites_. It’s a heated debate in the world of Web Design, but the majority of the industry has moved away from web sites solely based in Flash design towards HTML/CSS design.
In a nut shell, _Flash_ is a web program that is installed on your home page that acts as a web site. The benefits of Flash sites are easy that they are easy to build, relatively inexpensive and allow you to create some very cool effects. (big spirally intros, flashing lights, cool sound effects, etc,) In essence they are extremely flashy… _Yes, that pun was intended_.
BUT, Flash based web sites are filled with draw backs. First, they have a really weak relationship with search engines (a low SEO). Second, unless you own a copy of Adobe Flash (retails for $700 US) it is impossible to update. This means that any adjustments or updates to your site’s content will need to be done through your designer … and really who wants to be handcuffed to pay for the smallest change.
Third, Flash based web sites are not the most compatible with handheld devices (Blackberries, iPhones), older Internet Browsers and even web readers for disabled users. So while your site will look very pretty, you’re probably going to alienate a good section of your potential clients.
All in all, the cool little gimmicks of Flash based web design do not make up for the glaring holes.
*Armadillo Tip*: _All the gimmicks and cool little gizmos of Flash based design can be emulated in a HTML design. There are dozens of java scripts and AJAX plugins, which allow Web Designers far more flexibility with standard HTML design. So stick with HTML design._
_Now we are not advocating ignoring Flash altogether, as there are dozens of flash based apps and plug-ins, which can dramatically enhance your site’s overall appearance. What we are advocating is that instead of taking the easy and inexpensive way out with a full Flash based web site, look at making the investment in a straight HTML/CSS site._
4. What Are All These Web 2.0 Terms? And Do You Need to Understand SEO, CMS, SMS, Web 2.0 & Social Networking?
Yes and no.
Like every industry, the Web Design Indsutry has its trends and it’s catch phrases. These just happen to be the ones being bantered about our industry at the moment. It may seem that every designer you contact will be regurgitating these phrases at a horrific rate. _So, what do these terms really mean_?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most important term you’ll need to know at the moment. In a nut shell it just means how strongly your web site will rank on the first page of Search Engine Results. The stronger your SEO rating the greater likelihood that your web site will be on the front page of Google or Yahoo.
Web 2.0 & Social Networking are terms used to “describe a new way of looking at the Internet”: Before 2004, web sites were very informational and very static. Since then, web sites have evolved to become more interactive and community orientated. Having a web site that takes advantages of the worlds of Web 2.0 & Social Networking will increase your reach and will probably connect you to more customers.
BUT, you’ll only want to involve yourself with networks or communities that appeal to your clientele. If you’re a photographer, you’ll want to incorporate your work into photo sharing sites like “Flickr”: If you’re a Rockabilly Country Act, you’ll want to create a “MySpace page”:, create a “Facebook fan page”: and even embed some music on your web site. On the other hand, an Oil & Gas Consulting firm probably won’t start contributing video footage to “YouTube”: or “Vimeo”: And they probably won’t set-up a Facebook fan page, _but a consulting firm_ might develop a corporate blog and start showcasing their industry expertise for free.
CMS (Content Management Systems) are fantastic tools. We recommend anyone even thinking of building a web site to pay the extra money to have these included in their design.
A CMS is a basic application installed on your web site that essentially allows you to control the content of your site. Most can be accessed via the internet and most will allow you to change information on your web site in a jiffy. Depending on the features of the design you can even great news articles, stories or updates for your web site.
The big benefit here is that it gives the power to you – the customers. With a tradition HTML or Flash based web site, if you need to change your company’s phone number you’ll have to pay your web design an hour or two for them to go in and make that small change. But with a CMS, you can log in and make the change yourself.
SMS simple stands for “Short Messaging Service”:, is a technical way to describe Text Messaging.
Many web apps and Social networking sites are incorporating SMS elements in to their structure. The micro blogging web site Twitter allows users to receive and send updates via SMS on a constant basis. While the mobile version of Facebook allows users to update and add pictures to their profile via SMS technology.
It’s an interesting component of that is taking Web Design an the internet mobile.
*Armadillo Tip*: _Take advantage of the ability of sites such as Flickr, Vimeo, Revver and Facebook, that have created API (“Application Program Interface: which allows integration between these Social networking sites and your own web site. Utilizing API’s is a solid way to increase your web site’s traffic and increase its exposure._
The “3rd article”: in this series will discuss the potential costs and the time it takes to build a web site.