Armadillo Studios Inc.

Armadillo Studios is Officially NationBuilder Architect Approved

It is with great pleasure I get announce that after a year long courtship, Armadillo Studios Inc., is an approved member of the NationBuilder Architect program.

NationBuilder Architect Approved

For those unfamiliar, NationBuilder is one of the fastest growing and most popular Content Management Systems to hit the market in the past few years. Developed off the backs of members of Obama’s highly touted technical team, NationBuilder is an incredibly powerful web site platform for political and non-profits looking to raise money, connect with volunteers and actively engage with their user base.

NationBuilder is a software platform that combines your people database, website, and communication tools like email, text messaging, and social media—all in one. Accessible and affordable, NationBuilder helps people all over the world create more meaningful relationships. Whether you’re an author, activist, small business owner, or politician, we provide the tools to build a community around whatever it is you were meant to do.

As you can imagine the NaitonBuilder platform is a powerful tool to help candidates and organizations connect beyond the typical methods found on a normal CMS. As one can see from the work with did with Alberta MLA Steve Young, our first NationBuilder web site, the system is a powerful way to transform your site into something other than a one-way broadcasting tool.

I’m excited to add NationBuilder to the growing list of services that Armadillo Studios provides for our Business, Not-For-Profit and Political customers. If you feel that NationBuilder is a tool that might interest, send me a note at and I’d love to chat with you about the pros and cons.

Also, I would like to give a shout out to Brendan Mulvihill of EDAHelp for his guidance with working with the NationBuilder System.

The Uselessness of Political Attack Web Sites

This post has been re-posted from Armadillo’s President’s personal web site as it touches upon a subject that we’re currently very interested in. We hope you enjoy this post and if you have any questions feel free to contact us at any time.

Once again the Canadian Political world has been confronted with the always comical debate surrounding Political Ads. The recent spat over the infamous _In Over His Head_ Justin Trudeau spots and the nitty gritty provincial “battle in British Columbia”: have resurrected this timeless argument. And yes, if you asked most Canadians they would tell you with no uncertainty that they despise this level of political dialogue, while secretly not wanting to admit that these tactics _can_ work like a charm. But low and behold, there is a new form of Political Attacks Ads that has quietly surfaced that is even more pathetic and lame.

That of course is the world of the dreadful _Political Attack Web Site_.

(Read More…)

Tips For Building a Great Municipal Campaign Site

This post has been re-posted from Armadillo’s President’s personal web site as it touches upon a subject that we’re currently very interested in. We hope you enjoy this post and if you have any questions feel free to contact us at any time.

Where Is The 'Design' in Canadian Political Web Design?

With a slate of “municipal elections scheduled for late October”:,_2013, upstart candidates and sitting council members across Alberta are gearing up for an intense fall campaign season. With that comes the task of putting together a campaign team, beginning the process of raising funds and also crafting a campaign brand and marketing material. But one of the most critical elements of a strong campaign is establishing an online presence with a fully functional web site. (Read More…)

Getting on The Campaign Trail With

Early last week, Team Armadillo was more than happy to launch the official campaign web site for our good friend Troy Wason.

Troy Wason VP For YYC

Troy is seeking the Calgary Vice President position for the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta. As a great friend of the company, we were more than willing to help his campaign team create a unique web site that would reflect Troy’s progressive and forward thinking philosophy. Using a combination of web fonts and the campaign’s minimalistic branding, we set about to create a site that would provide a clear and direct message to potential voters. As usual, this WordPress powered web site also showcases the campaign’s social media elements, while also allowing the campaign team to keep potential supports abreast of the latest events through the intuitive Content Management System.

We here at Armadillo Studios want to wish Troy all the best on the campaign trail and are excited to add to our growing portfolio of political campaign web sites.