Armadillo Studios Inc.

The Newly Minted TEKTELIC Communications Inc. Web Site

Late last year Calgary-based *TEKTELIC Communications Inc.*, approached Armadillos Studios to help redevelop the company’s online entities. TEKTELIC wanted a fresh new online presence which better encapsulated their presence within the Telecommunications industry. So without hesitation our team took on the task of not only building a new and comprehensive WordPress powered site, but to also re-brand the TEKTELIC’s Social Media accounts.

And after a couple of months of hard work, we are happy to launch the newly minted “TEKTELIC Communications web site”:

TEKTELIC Redesign - 2012 (Read More…)

The Redesigned Miles Davison Web Site Launches

Early this year, we were pleased to announce the launch of our redesign for Miles Davison LLP (“”:

Miles Davison Redesign - 2012

Miles Davison LLP., is a long standing and established legal firm within the city of Calgary. They are a versatile organization with a wealth of expertise, which pride themselves on their close-knit relationship with their clients. In 2011 they approached Team Armadillo to help create a new online home for the firm; one that would not only modernize their online presence, but also better reflected their corporate culture. (Read More…)

Three New Web Sites To Kickstart The Fall

As usual things have been fairly exciting in the *Armadillo Studios camp* for the past few months. In addition to our usual gambit of web design projects, we are also working furiously to launch our first “iPhone App”: and on a re-branding of our main corporate web site to celebrate our “5th Anniversary”: But in the meantime, we’d also like to share with you three new site releases that we just rolled out at the beginning of September.

These three new projects are the launch of “”:, and the redesigns of “”: and “”:

The Launch of

Klintec.Tv Web Site Development -2011

(Read More…)

What Does Armadillo Studios Do?

On August 31st, *Armadillo Studios Inc.*, will celebrate the beginning of our fifth year as a web design outfit.

Calgary Web Design - What Does Armadillo Do?

Over the past five years we’ve had the pleasure of working with a “variety of great clients”: on a whole spectrum of projects in Calgary and across North American. We’ve built online identities for a range of different businesses, partnered-up as consultants with our Drupal and WordPress expertise and even worked as social media consultants to help kick start some very successful campaigns. We’ve also lent our skills to a variety of non-profit causes; from the “yycPhotobook project”: to the “ project”: to the SXSWiseasy campaign to helping the “DCFoodForAll project”: But in the busy and hectic world of web design, as an organization we have never really explained *what we do*. (Read More…)

Introducing The 5th Anniversary Stickers

As mentioned, Armadillo Studios “will be turning five on August 31st”: To celebrate five great years of providing top-notch web design services to the masses, we decided it was time to redesign our ever popular *Armadillo Stickers*.


Since 2008, our initial run of stickers has been a massive hit with everyone. We’ve shared them with friends, clients and numerous associates at a variety of networking events. And like any good batch of stickers, they’ve “randomly” appeared on the back of laptops, toolboxes and exotic locations all over North America. (Which is something we would _never_ encourage… well, at least not publicly). But as we continue to move forward, we realized it was time for a bit of an upgrade.

So with that, we present the *2011 edition of our much beloved stickers*.


Printed by our good friends at “JakPrints”: on their gorgeous vinyl stock; this latest rendition once again places Milo, our company mascot, front and centre. This design has incorporated a unique five year crest to give the stickers a more retro feel. This new crest features the company name, web site address and also five subtle stars. The five inner ring stars, alludes to our very first branding scheme, the Armadillo Star, and also represent a single year of existence as a design outfit. With this edition we’ve also included plopped our name and web site address right smack in the middle of the design. This of course, is a pretty novel idea that was glaringly missed in our first sticker incarnations. And as always out stickers leverage our unique mint green and chocolate brown colour palette

We’re really proud of how these edition turned out and we look forward to sharing them with everyone

So How Do I Get My Hands on Some Stickers

Simple, just send us a note!

If you’d like a batch of stickers, get in touch with us through our twitter account (armadillostudio), our “Facebook Fan Page”: or just contact us through our main web site. If you’re really keen and willing to share the Armadillo Stickers love, we’ll forward on a nice batch straight to your door step.